Tuesday 23 April 2013

Parishioners collaborated to create a beautiful spring-flower screen for the Mission at St Anne's. 

Fr Tony Nolan (from Sarum College) facilitated the day, and we were further blessed by the weather!

Thursday 18 April 2013

Last weekend Sarah Parrish opened her delightful garden to supporty the Red Cross.    This is Willowbank in Brickfields Lane, next door to the British Legion Cottages.    Their back gardens stand where in 1851 a chapel was built of brick (of course) to enable Catholics of the area to worship safely until the Church of Our Lady of Mercy was founded eight years later.   Unfortunately Mrs Parrish only opens her garden once a year, so don't miss her delicious scones and cream next year at this time.    See redcross.org.uk/opengardens

Monday 15 April 2013

Fr Danny's 55th birthday cake.


Pat, who made the cake and decorated it, has retreated from the limelight!



And here's one we made earlier!

           In fact it was presented to Father Danny on Saturday night, and was made by Patricia Sey

Thursday 4 April 2013

Easter Illustrated under the Altar
Each Good Friday at Our Lady of Mercy Church a group of parishioners prepare for Easter by producing the scene as it was after Our Lord's body had been laid in the tomb.      Behind the altar the tabernacle is empty, and under it the stone has been rolled in place.
On Easter Day the stone has been rolled back, and Our Lord appears to Mary Magdalene in the garden.        The tabernacle now contains His Body and Blood, and we rejoice together at His Resurrection.