Saturday 22 November 2014

Ebola Outbreak in West Africa - The need to help stem the outbreak

Last week the outbreak of the EBOLA disease in West Africa was mentioned in our Bidding prayers...
I recently witnessed a news report were a a man had brought his wife to the gates of a new hospital built to treat EBOLA sufferers. It was upsetting to see that the husband was unable to have his wife admitted to the hospital for treatment as it was claimed she had not been diagnosed by the medical staff as having contracted EBOLA. The film crew filming the newly commissioned hospital had tried to precipitate the admission of the sick woman, who now lay prostrate on the ground outside the gates of the hospital by mentioning the incident to one of the sponsoring ministers. The minister was seen phoning some medical staff to have the woman admitted to the new hospital and though it was assured she would soon be admitted, both the lady and her now newly sick husband lay languishing still outside the gates of the hospital desperate for help. Prior to that I had not really paid much attention to the outbreak but that small story brought it very much to life. It was rank inhumanity to have a brand new complex dedicated to the treatment of EBOLA and to see two obvious victims left to their own devices outside the gates. The crowd of on lookers were too affraid to approach the couple due to the fear of contracting the highly contageous disease.

I understand that the Catholic Relief Services are trying to fight the disease and help the victims....
in brief they CRS issued this information and below is a link to donate to the fund.....
If you can spare some small amount please donate to such a worthy cause......

In March 2014, an outbreak of Ebola was confirmed in Guinea, which borders Liberia and Sierra Leone where cases of the deadly virus were soon reported. To date, more than 13,500 people have been identified as testing positive for Ebola and more than 4,500 have died. The rate at which these numbers are climbing is both tragic and alarming.

Catholic Relief Services is working around the clock to stem the deadly outbreak of the virus by educating people about how it is spread so they can avoid becoming infected.

This is the American arm of the CRS there may be a UK equivalent.....lookup on google to donate.;jsessionid=E58802C34766FF7E407E17BFBF0820F2.app263b?7200.donation=form1&df_id=7200&s_src=emergencypage

There is further information here about the growing tragedy and how families are being torn apart.....

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