Thursday 8 September 2011


This exhilarating painting attempts to depict the tremendous excitement in Heaven as God's plan for the redemption of mankind is brought a step nearer by the birth of the immaculately conceived baby Mary, which we celebrate on September 8th. (We haven't yet been able to identify the artist, but we shall be patient, confident that one of our readers will use the "comments" button below to enlighten us.)

1 comment:

Gigi said...

I love that there is so much celestial activity, leading your eyes down towards the nativity. Couldn't find the artist: everything leads back to the website credited; good luck to other readers! But I do have a lovely little verse from an anonymous poem about Mary's birth, from one of the Maryan websites. Please accept as a Brighton-barter!
"Star of the morning, how still was thy shining,
when its young splendor arose on the sea.
Only the angels, the secret divining,
hailed the long-promised, the chosen, in thee".